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Delicious Date Purée

Why are dates a good gut choice?

Native to North Africa and the Middle East, dates are a stone fruit (similar to that of mangoes & peaches) grown from a date palm tree. Dates are in season from September - November. They have a sticky, sweet taste and can be compared to that of a rich caramel!

This sweet treat is a great natural sweetener and makes for a great replacement for white sugar! In many cultures, dates have been used as a medicine to help treat stomach and intestinal disorders. Dates are high in antioxidants along with fiber and flavonoids.

Another compound in dates that is also great for #GoodGut health is its flavonoids: they help influence the composition of microbial flora, which promotes the growth of good gut bacterias. This helps to create an anti-inflammatory environment which helps to relieve symptoms of Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD) by helping block pro-inflammatory proteins. The blockage of pro-inflammatory proteins is what helps these flavonoids to prevent and reduce inflammation in the gut! While dates provide the body with many nutrients, health benefits, and make for a great natural sweetener, they are high in calories and due to their natural sweetness it can be easy to overeat them. While they are great for our health, it is important to remember to eat them in moderation!

With their high fiber content, dates are great for #GoodGut health. The fiber in dates help to prevent constipation as well as help to promote bowel movement as it helps bulk up and soften stool. Fiber also helps to slow digestion, which is great for helping you feel fuller for longer; one single Medjool date contains 1.6 grams of fiber!

Ways to eat it

  • Fresh or dried!

  • Stuffed with nut butter or even baked into a sweet treat.

Recipe: Delicious Date Purée

Ingredients (Makes 4 Servings):

  • 15 dates, pitted

  • water (enough to cover dates)


  1. Pit the dates and place them in a bowl.

  2. Pour boiling water over dates to cover completely.

  3. Let sit for a few minutes to allow dates to steep.

  4. Add dates and 1/2 of the water to a blender and blend until smooth. Add more water to have a thinner mixture or drain water before blending if you prefer a thicker paste.

  5. Allow date paste to sit uncovered; it will get thicker as it sits.

Heal with Each Meal!

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Elliott, B. (2018, March 21). 8 Proven Health Benefits of Dates. Healthline.

Salaritabar, A., Darvishi, B., Hadjiakhoondi, F., Manayi, A., Sureda, A., Nabavi, S. F., Fitzpatrick,

L. R., Nabavi, S. M., & Bishayee, A. (2017). Therapeutic potential of flavonoids in inflammatory bowel disease: A comprehensive review. World journal of gastroenterology, 23(28), 5097–5114.

Taleb, H., Maddocks, S. E., Morris, R. K., & Kanekanian, A. D. (2016, October 10). Chemical

characterisation and the anti-inflammatory, anti-angiogenic and antibacterial properties

of date fruit (Phoenix dactylifera L.). Journal of Ethnopharmacology.

Robertson, R. (2017, July 25). Why Bifidobacteria Are So Good For You. Healthline.

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