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Passion Fruit Salad

Why is passion fruit amazing for our gut?

Despite its small size and intimidating appearance, passion fruit is a nutrient dense tropical fruit that is rich in compounds that may help boost your gut health. Though papayas are a tropical fruit, they can be grown all over the world because some varieties can survive in sub-tropical climates. Passion fruit has a tough inedible outer rind and juicy, seed filled center. It is sweet but also tart in flavor and has a fragrant aroma. The seeds are easy to eat and provide a nice crunch factor. Passion fruit is believed to help alleviate symptoms of osteoporosis, improve digestion, and possibly improve respiratory conditions such as asthma.

Passion fruit is a powerhouse fruit that is not only rich in antioxidants and fiber but also key vitamins and minerals essential for optimal health. Passion fruit provides the body with a source of vitamin C and vitamin A; vitamin A is particularly active in the gut, where it acts to reduce intestinal inflammation and aids in immune function by supporting antibody activity. A recent study demonstrated that vitamin C can be used to improve your gut barrier function, which helps your body absorb nutrients and protect you from certain toxins. Along with improving your gut barrier, vitamin C has been known to help balance out the good and bad bacteria inside your gut. Eating fruit high in vitamins not only helps to ensure diversity of nutrients but also has a long lasting effect on gut health.

Lastly, It is important to mention the fiber content that is so important for a healthy gut microbiome. In one passion fruit it contains 2 grams of fiber, that is a lot of fiber packed into a single serving. Fiber is important for keeping your gut healthy and preventing constipation, yet most people don’t eat enough of it. Soluble fiber helps slow the digestion of your food, which can prevent blood sugar spikes. Diets that are high in fiber are also associated with a lower risk of illnesses, including heart disease, IBS-as well as other gut related diseases, diabetes, and obesity. Next time you see a passionfruit at your local grocery store pick it up and give it a try- after all diversity is the name of the #goodgut game!

Ways to eat it

Make a homemade passion fruit juice and drink it with fruits, sandwiches, or desserts. You can also add it into a fruit salad as they pair well with other fruits to sweeten the mixture. Add it as a topping on yogurts or salads or even into baked goods! You can also make a jam out of the fruit or eat passion fruit on its own.

Recipe: Passion Fruit Salad

Ingredients (Makes 4 Servings):

  • 1 mango

  • 1 bag passion fruits pulp, frozen

  • 2 kiwis

  • 1 pineapple

  • 1 peach

  • 1 or 2 apples


  1. Wash fruits.

  2. Cut fruits into evenly diced cubes.

  3. Add defrosted passion fruit pulp.

  4. Mix and enjoy.

Heal With Each Meal!

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Tom Seymor (November 19, 2017) What are the Health Benefits of Passion Fruit

Kitada, M., Ogura, Y., Maruki-Uchida, H., Sai, M., Suzuki, T., Kanasaki, K., Hara, Y., Seto, H.,

Kuroshima, Y., Monno, I., & Koya, D. (2017). The Effect of Piceatannol from Passion Fruit (Passiflora edulis) Seeds on Metabolic Health in Humans. Nutrients, 9(10), 1142.


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