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Savory Sweet Potato Bowl

Why is sweet potato amazing for your #goodgut?

Sweet potatoes are a sweet, starchy root vegetable that are widely available worldwide. They can be found in different shapes, sizes, and even colors; including orange, white, and purple. Depending on the color, their nutrient profile may be slightly different. Nonetheless, they are still a great addition to one's diet as they are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Though many may steer clear from carbohydrates, we openly embrace them as they are high in resistant starch – a type of fiber that is “resistant” to digestion by human enzymes yielding incredible #goodgut benefits. We love them because they are a versatile hearty option that can be added into soups, stew, pies, and even desserts.

Sweet potatoes are a nutrient powerhouse, just one cup of cooked sweet potato (with skin) contains 5 grams of plant based protein, vitamin C, manganese, and potassium. In addition, one cup of sweet potato contains over 700% of our daily recommended vitamin A in the form of beta carotene. Beta carotene, a vitamin A precursor, and vitamin C are powerful antioxidants that aid in reducing oxidative stress in the body. Vitamin A is particularly beneficial within the digestive tract, where it functions to reduce intestinal inflammation; it is also important in immune function by supporting antibody activity. Additionally, vitamin C is protective against certain diseases affecting the GI tract, including stomach and colorectal cancers.

The main components of sweet potato are starch and fiber. One cup of cooked sweet potato contains 4 grams of #goodgut fiber. They are a good source of both soluble and insoluble. We advocate for including a variety of different plant-based fibers in the diet, as it helps to support a diverse gut microbiome. When combined, soluble and insoluble fiber aid in a healthy intestinal transit time, which can help prevent SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and IBS. Certain fibers can also be fermented by gut microbes, which promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria that keep the GI tract healthy and functioning optimally. Give this Married to Health recipe a try…you or your #goodgut won’t be disappointed!

Ways to eat it

  • Bake them as chips or fries

  • Make them into pancakes

  • Add them to a salad or in a sandwich

  • Grill them or mash them

#GoodGut tip: cooking, cooling or even freezing sweet potatoes increases digestibility and also increases resistant starch

Recipe: Savory Sweet Potato Bowl

Ingredients (Makes 4 Servings):

  • 1 1/2 cup brown rice, cooked

  • 2 medium sweet potatoes, cubed

  • 1/2 tsp Himalayan pink salt (to taste)

  • 1 Tbsp coconut aminos

  • 1 tsp tamarind paste

  • 1/2 tsp ginger powder

  • 1 Tbsp rice wine vinegar

  • 2 Tbsp pickled cabbage

  • 1/2 avocado, thinly sliced

  • 1 medium carrot, cut into 1 inch matchsticks

  • 2 Tbsp pickled ginger

  • 1 tsp nigella seeds

  • 1 Tbsp tahini dressing

  • 2 cups snap peas, sautéed


  1. In a large bowl, add the rice wine vinegar, coconut aminos, ginger powder, tamarind paste, snap peas and cubed vegetables.

  2. Let marinate for 30 minutes or as long as overnight.

  3. Place the cubed vegetables and snap peas on a baking sheet with parchment paper (bake at 400ºF for 15 minutes) or in the air fryer (370ºF for 7 minutes).

  4. Add the air fried vegetables and snap peas, followed by the rice, nigella seeds, tahini, then *top* pickled ginger, carrots, and cabbage.

Note: Feel free to add cooked greens like bok choy.

Heal with each meal!

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